Saturday, July 27, 2019


what do you want :
Out of all the thing i wanted in life i really want, to be successful, it  is what comes in my top most priority . But what about love am i too ambitious . I was the person who would  take love over success any  day , then why do i have success as my number 1 in my priority  position then love , because sometimes to escape from what you really want you need to change your priority .

 Last week i called my friend Miss D , she has always been a great friend, always been there when i wanted her , i was going through some life wrecking crisis , when i called her it was 11:10 pm , i asked her are you busy can we talk , she was kind enough and said yes i am free , i am glad she said that because i really wanted to talk with someone who is not my family ,

 Because family can see your face , your condition , and they will ask what happened and at your very low , you can't even lie because they are the one who cares the most , and will figure  it out in moments that you are hiding something , and will get worried . i did not wanted them to worry so i avoided them and called my friend Miss D , she uplifted my spirit  , guided me , motivated me , her affirmation for me were great help . it's been like  a week or two . i am in a much better position now 

Talking and sharing your problem always helps , she asked me to focus on my work , do things i love , just be busy so i don't have times to think about negative thoughts . i even downloaded PUBG games and started playing it  , how crazy is that  , because i hate video games .

"time heals everything , give it time, sometime people just care about them self and not about the feelings of other " , 
this was the advice i got from my 12 year old student .  he just figured it out that i was going through something he asked what happened . I was happy to see him care so much ,its good to see people care about you . 

i decided i  won't let this  situation of me bring me down . i will fight this negativity i feel , this depression i am going through i am anything but not a quitter . i will survive and will come out as shining star . 
my friend Miss D said a line which stuck me 
" everyone salutes to rising star, so come on, pull up your socks and  become one " .

 i want to be a rising star that's why success is my top priority , now i won't look back  and i  will work hard and achieve greatness , Amen .