Saturday, July 27, 2019


what do you want :
Out of all the thing i wanted in life i really want, to be successful, it  is what comes in my top most priority . But what about love am i too ambitious . I was the person who would  take love over success any  day , then why do i have success as my number 1 in my priority  position then love , because sometimes to escape from what you really want you need to change your priority .

 Last week i called my friend Miss D , she has always been a great friend, always been there when i wanted her , i was going through some life wrecking crisis , when i called her it was 11:10 pm , i asked her are you busy can we talk , she was kind enough and said yes i am free , i am glad she said that because i really wanted to talk with someone who is not my family ,

 Because family can see your face , your condition , and they will ask what happened and at your very low , you can't even lie because they are the one who cares the most , and will figure  it out in moments that you are hiding something , and will get worried . i did not wanted them to worry so i avoided them and called my friend Miss D , she uplifted my spirit  , guided me , motivated me , her affirmation for me were great help . it's been like  a week or two . i am in a much better position now 

Talking and sharing your problem always helps , she asked me to focus on my work , do things i love , just be busy so i don't have times to think about negative thoughts . i even downloaded PUBG games and started playing it  , how crazy is that  , because i hate video games .

"time heals everything , give it time, sometime people just care about them self and not about the feelings of other " , 
this was the advice i got from my 12 year old student .  he just figured it out that i was going through something he asked what happened . I was happy to see him care so much ,its good to see people care about you . 

i decided i  won't let this  situation of me bring me down . i will fight this negativity i feel , this depression i am going through i am anything but not a quitter . i will survive and will come out as shining star . 
my friend Miss D said a line which stuck me 
" everyone salutes to rising star, so come on, pull up your socks and  become one " .

 i want to be a rising star that's why success is my top priority , now i won't look back  and i  will work hard and achieve greatness , Amen .

Sunday, April 23, 2017

some cool photos

hello everyone i hope you all are doing good today i will collected some cool photos for  you i hope u enjoy them .

Saturday, June 25, 2016

SHORT STORY "The Elite one" PART 1

                                      CHAPTER 1


I need to get something new for the evening I guess my blue dress won't cover this time also it will be straight 3 times for the same dress .No, I am getting a new dress and that's final maybe I can use the gift card I got last week .Oh yes!it will  work now all I need to do is shopping.
Hi! Grace I am home.Christy will you come with me shopping today .Anytime sweety but I have a date today but I can cancel .No, its ok you go  I remember now john is here for the weekend only.I guess I will have to go alone can I take your car.Yes, of course, but pay attentions to speed breakers and traffic light and put on the seat belt . yes, mother.!

hey, i am not your mother. I know but you do sound like one these day oh my poor girl what is john doing to you.Miss grace you need to shut up and get going or else you will be late .yes mother!!
grace again now I won't talk to you.
 last time I promise I won't do that again I don't want to loose my best friend .
Enough with the buttering now go.
Ok bye christy.

Ok, cheap one or classy one? I think cheap one fits my budget but classy one suits my self-esteem  which is wounded  from Mr's Smith comment from last faculty meeting.Oh god!what should I choose.Grace come on you need to be brave and courageous .Let us go brands and show everyone your are not a sloppy and know how to dress.

                                                chapter 2

                                                   Meeting Mr. Elite

hello, mam welcome to our store how can I help you?
Hi, i am looking for a dress for an event.
Do you have anything specific in your mind ?
Only that I look good in it .
Of course,and we will make sure that you do please come this way.
Ma'm you will find here what you want. Here are some elite can try them in  trial room
and can call us  if you want  any help.
thank you.

No blue this time for sure I think this black one is good but it's too short .oh my god this red dress looks gorgeous let me try this one alas!I found the one .I think the lady was absolutely correct about the elite one. Let's take this baby home .

Hello, Grace !
Hello,  Mr.chadwick!
Grace you look beautiful .Thank you Mr.Chadwick you too.
Look Grace Mr.thompson has sent me to you to tell you that you will  invite The chief guest on the stage 
But Linda was going to do that .
yes but now you will have to do that as she had some emergency work  so she could not come .
But I have not prepared anything I don't even know anything about the chief guest except his surname.
Ok, let me help you  with what I know .

His name is Mr. Steve Nick Henery
he is the chairman of Elite group of industries.
involved and help many kinds of charity in our city
recently got city award for the most successful cancer  awareness  program.

How old is he?
grace that dude own the damn group of industries how old do you think he will be ?
maybe around 40-50.
Thanks, Mr. Chadwick.
 My pleasure dear and all the best

Hello Mr .henery my name is Grace Hart.
Nice to meet you miss Hart 
nice to meet you too sir
Mr. Henery will you come backstage with me I need to show you the entrance of the hall.
 Miss may I see my introduction on that paper you are holding
yes of course sir
name ,work,interest ,hobbies,work ...............what ha ha haha!!
what happened?
nothing just amused at your humor 
"what is he laughing about I don't have any humor in it why is he laughing like he is dope . although he does not look his age I thought he will be old and attitude but seems witty  and nice "

your turn Miss hart 
please call me Grace 
ok by the way miss grace I am only 29

                        chapter 3


welcome everyone to Heritage High school charity event tonight we have with us the most energetic , philantrophist and industralist who is not only sucessful but someone who know and understand the importance of giving back to society and apperently very young that is only 29 years of age .with all your applause please welcome Mr.Steve Nick Henery.

  In miss grace ears:"That was very impressive intro Miss Grace.will you  please hold my cellphone for a while i don't want it to disturb me during my speech  "
yes sure Mr. Henery 
"he could have just made it in silent mode ,but no and want someone to hold it for as long as he speak.Well rich people have that luxary specially when they are chief guest let me put it in  my pocket
i will give to him when he is finished with his speech"

tring tring......... tring tring ........
oh my god, i also forget to make my phone silent first of all let's get off this stage.
Hello Chirsty
No, it's laura .
But it's christy's no. where is she?
I am sorry grace I have a bad news for you  the restaurant where christy was with john got on fire.
Oh, my god! how is she? Is everything ok? please tell me how is she and john ?
john is fine but christy is hospitalised.
 oh my god!how did it happened ?
It was a fire accident.
where is she ? and what's her condition .
It's better if you come and see for yourself .she is in Spket city hospital
Laura, you are scaring me now .Is she all right
yes, grace but you need to come ?
Ok,I am coming.

Mr.chadwick I need to go christy is hospitalised.
oh god!Is she all right?
I don't know please I need to go .Please tell Mr. Thompson and other that I had to leave.
Yes,Grace, I understand you go I will take care of everything.
thank you very much .

oh!christy thank god you are ok .John, what did  the doctor say?
He said that we should be thankful for her full sleeve dress .
come one john stop joking!look at grace face  don't scare her .she must have been worried about the news.
Ok.Grace ,christy is all right and we can take her home after  two days.
Oh, thank god.
How was your charity event ?
What event I came back only after 20 minutes.
 Grace,we are very sorry to disturb you I know this charity event matters a lot to you .
Don't be absurd.yes,they do but not more than you christy.

well, Grace   did you find someone intresting Mmmhmmm
john it was a charity event, not a barbaque party.All I got to meet someone new was our chief guest Mr.henery who apperently gave me his phone to hold when he delivered his speech.
But why gave it  to you .He could have put it in his pocket.
He said he did not want to get disturbed.
So he could have just switched off it
Exactly Thank you.same as I thought but I did not wanted to argue as he was landing big money for the charity.
oh, my god! wait a minute oh no!
 what happened?
This is what happened
Is this Mr. Henery cellphone
Do you have his phone no. ?
no john what i am going to do with his number i have his phone .
yes that is true.
christy look at your friend ,other girls bring guy's phone number but Grace is unique she brings cellphone as well with the number.
stop it john.
Ok sweety,Grace do you want anything i am going to get some coffee
No thanks john
christy he is right how i am going to return it to him.
should i call someone from this phone and get Mr. Henery address or other number.
yes,i think you should .
ok ,oh no!
what happened ?
it has a code.
don't worry Grace Mr.henery know his number he will call on his phone soon .you don't worry
May be i should go back and return it .
Grace it's too late now I don't think you will find anyone there now .
Oh god!what will he think of me that I am a phone thief.
No dear,don't say that I am sure he will understand .
I hope so.

next chapters will be updated soon keep visiting thanks 
Beena Gairola.